Sat Nav
Do you get lost while Driving?
If you are making a journey that you haven’t made before, you may be a little unsure of the route to take. This may make you late for a meeting, late for a train or even late for a plane to take you on your latest holiday. Using any type of navigation system will give you the confidence to travel anywhere and allow you to ‘enjoy the drive’. If you’re a business, it will save you time and money on motoring expenses because your drivers aren’t getting lost and driving around and around.
If you’re going on holiday abroad a fixed navigation system is a fantastic tool for taking with you, as most systems have Europe coverage, giving you that extra confidence to explore. They are all voice guided so there’s no need to take your eyes off the road. They take the hard work out of driving and it lets you concentrate on the road ahead making your journey safer and relaxed.
We have a range of Navigation’s to suit many budgets. The selection that we have on display in our showroom are the ones that we have tested personally, that way we can offer the best advice and be sure that you get the right product for you. We don’t sell anything that we wouldn’t have used ourselves.
Portable Navigation Systems
Portable navigation may not be the best type of navigation, but it is certainly one of the cheapest options around. An ideal plug and go system that is easily transferred from vehicle to vehicle, there are no running costs (apart from purchasing new maps) and most importantly are easy to use. Due to a flooded market, poor support from manufacturers and no technical backup we no longer deal in portable systems.
Stand Alone Navigation Systems
Some vehicles have a stereo system that can’t easily be replaced, if at all. With this in mind, some manufacturers have options of a seperate screen and navigation brain, totally seperate to the stereo system in the vehicle. This type of system can either be controlled via a hand held remote control or a touch screen monitor.
There a several options for screens that can be either dash mounted, or better still we can use a monitor that is built into a rear view mirror, so it clips over your existing mirror and gives you a screen. This option leaves the dashboard free of cables and brackets so there is no visible sign that there is anything in the vehicle.
Integrated Navigation Systems
Integrated systems are designed to be installed into the vehicle by a professional to the highest of standards and to look and feel part of the vehicle. Whether you have the facility of a standard din sized hole or a double din apperture, we can offer solutions for both instances. With either option it replaces your existing car stereo and gives you the extra benefits of features such as iPod, Mp3, DVD, with additional options of digital TV and reverse camera all through this one source. This type of system is ideal for the everyday user with various different packages available. We can tailor a unique package to suit you if you want to incorporate DVD Movies/TV into your package. For the business user these navigation systems play an important role and are an invaluable tool, as they can manage time more effectively, avoid possible delays on
the road, minimize wasted time through wrong turns and enable you to turn jobs around faster giving consistent high levels of quality and service.
This option is more suited to an owner of a vehicle who is likely to keep the vehicle for a period of time as the fitting is integral to the vehicle and both fitting and removal takes a considerable amount of time depending on vehicle.
Click here to view images of vehicles we have fitted navigation systems to.